Product Description
Upgrade fee 275 Ipad (Included Discounted 50%) Email to us for upgrade now
Policy upgrade Required: If you have purchased ANY module of OUR Modules direct from LGA Store (POS Retail or Any my Module Public on LGA Store)
Get new update like Bugs (Issues) fixing and new Features realtime direct our Private Github Repo in 1 year
Version: Pro (UnLimited)

Please Reading before processing Purchase Module
- Refund back 100% money if our features not working correctly (Please check all features we released bellow)
- Supported times from purchased date to 2 months, for full support each year please go to Click here and choice package plan (*)
- Unlimited POS User, POS Config and POS Sessions Online the same time
- This is Pro version with price is 5500 EUR, if your shop is small you can use Standard version with price is 2000 EUR Click here
- What is difference Standard version and Pro version,with Standard version: Limited 3 POS Sessions online the same time, Pro: UnLimited
- Free report bugs and issues anytime
- Not allow editing source codes (we will stop support if change any source codes like : logo, reference, debranding …), republic to any another place (github, gitlab, lga store …), AND release
- Not allow install and use module on your SaaS Server, if you wanted hosting on SaaS please choice Plan Expert from us site Click here
- Not allow resale our module to your clients, one payment time only can apply 1 database production. If wanted resale please choice Plan Expert from my site Click here
- One Time payment only allow use only one Production Database
- Module have released to multi stores and multi shop locations around the world
- We have 200 ++ partners, business used this module around the world
- Module have 100+ features for Retail Shop and Restaurant
- Each table customers, products, orders, invocies. We supported up to 3 millions rows each table. Dont worries about big datas, long times start pos session
- We tested passed loading 3 millions each table products, customers on pos only need 15 ~ 20 seconds.
- Easy install module, download source codes and install like 100% module lga original, no extend install any python libraries another
- Only one install, only one payment and use forever for any devices
- Support fix any issues and bugs come from module (no limit time support about it)
- We have one team Master POS and lga Development
- We released succeeded 300+ Retails & Restaurants around on the World
- Easy install and easy to use, only click button install and use POS. No need install any another libraries python
- Always available and welcome any requests for add future, custom function … Contact Us if you wanted (will included cost custom)
- Bug and Issues always fixing free any times, welcome any bugs and issues report to US
- Each pos function you finding vs retail price ~50 EUR (if you have 10 features, Total Price is 5000 EUR), This module have many features, why dont buy it and reduce demo for another Job
- Each pos module you bought from store, difference team development, when request support very hard. Buy my app, only team support you
- 1. Products Screen Light Mode

- 2. Full Keyboard Support

- 3. Booked Orders screen

- 4. Clients Screen

- 5. Products operation screen

- 6. Invoices Screen

- 7. POS Orders Screen

- 8. Payment screen

- 9. Bill/Receipt 80mm Design

- 9. Bill/Receipt A4/A5 Design

- 10. Customer Facing screen without IOTBOX

- 11. Tablet Device Screen

- 13. Product List View

- 14. Tablet Product Screen

- 15. Tablet Client Screen

- 16. Tablet Payment Screen

- 17. Setting default full screen

- 17. Detail Order Cart Screen

- 18. Quickly search clients popup

- 19. Orders Histories popup

- 20. Reports Screen

- 21. Restaurant Screen

- 1. This module supported POS Shop and POS Restaurant both, supported lga Community and Enrterprise both
- 2. Support Arabic, Chinese (Products Name) … on Products Screen and Receipt Bill (without posbox)
- 2. Supported sync between POS Sessions Shop && Retaurant (table, floor, event change orders, event change order lines ..)
- 4. Multi Branch/Store Applied for POS Orders, POS Sessions, Delivery Orders, POS Payment, Account Entries, Account Invoice, Account Bank Statement.
- 5. Each Cashiers,Users have assigned Branch, only see datas of Branch Assgined (POS Sessions, Delivery Orders, POS Payment, Account Entries, Account Invoice, Account Bank Statement)
- 6. Sale extra, buy product x suggest buy another products
- 7. Responsive tablet, minimum size 10 inch display, supported Android and IOS. Supported lga Tablet app for lga EE
- 8. Supported bigs datas products and customers: can up to 3 millions products and 3 million customers
- 9. Supported posbox version 17.10 and olders and IOT box 20.02 both
- 10. Supported print bill via posbox, print any reports (sale summary, products summary..) via posbox
- 11. POS sale offline mode (POS Session Loaded) no need internet push Orders, cashiers can clean Cache Browse. When Internet Online back, all orders auto sync to Server
- 12. Light theme and dark theme
- 13. Multi Pricelist with multi currency, and difference Journal Method Currency
- 14. Scan barcode Products, Price, Discount … via Camera of Computer, devices (no need scanner device if you have Camera device). If your lga hosting online internet required SSL (https)
- 15. Analytic Account each POS Order, journal entries
- 16. Daily report sale total by day, month
- 17. Z-Report by cashiers, by date input
- 18. Each lot automatic create barcode, and allow POS scan barcode of Lot serial number, auto full fill product and lot to cart
- 19. Multi lots: allow cashier choice lots of product have multi lot
- 20. Quickly add partners, products
- 21. Quickly payment order will payment method config before on pos setting
- 22. Sale suggestion for cashiers fast selling products
- 23. Each user assign pos config on Setting/ User / Point Of sale: when user login to lga, auto direct screen to POS screen, not still at backend screen
- 24. POS order note
- 25. POS order lines note
- 26. Rounding total amount payment
- 27. Show quantity cart customer order
- 28. Display stock on hand of products, show number limit stock, warning limit stock
- 29. Display product ref, price included tax, barcode … on products screen, allow hide image or image size big/small/medium
- 30. Automatic sync products, partners, orders between backend and POS Session without reload web page
- 31. POS Users can review receipt, looking receipt before do payment
- 32. Booking Order, allow customer add booking orders, and covert booking to POS orders
- 33. Create internal transfer between stock locations from pos screen
- 35. Create purchase order from pos screen
- 36. Create sale order from pos screen
- 37. Allow edit/update product direct POS screen, auto sync to backend
- 38. Allow update stock on hand each Location direct POS screen
- 40. Allow set POS Pass Pin difference each POS User, user can lock screen when leave POS counter
- 41. Allow customers partial payment orders, and next times will come back and payment full
- 42. Allow stting Display discount amount on order lines and receipt
- 43. Allow setting limit of amount discount so cashier can set
- 44. Allow setting set many global discounts, and cashiers only choose discount
- 45. Allow setting discount value and percent
- 46. Create vouchers, add refund order to voucher, management debit/credit voucher amount, 1 voucher can use many times with amount voucher have. Expired voucher times
- 47. Management Customers credit member card
- 48. Management Customers wallet card
- 49. Management Customers loyalty points
- 50. Product screen operation, allow pos admin (cashiers) can edi/create new products
- 51. Loyalty/Reward program, allow admin set rule of loyalty plus point, and rule redeem point
- 52. Allow cashiers selling products via packaging/boxes, price and quantity if items sale auto covert from boxes selected
- 53. Multi category each products
- 54. 13 Promotions Program, allow cashiers can define many promotion for give gift or discount Order
- 55. Auto complete search filter when pos sessions input at search box, example pos user input “abcd”, pos auto suggest any products or customer have “abcd”
- 56. Full security permission each POS Config: payment, add product to cart, set customer, add discount, change price ….etc
- 57. Allow sync realtime between backend lga with pos sessions (when backend change information of customers, products, invoices, pos orders, booking orders. pos sessions data will change the same)
- 58. Allow customers/cashiers can signature on receipt, signature will display on receipt and backend
- 59. Return products back to Stock, POS User quickly scan barcode of bill, POS auto find order and display Order for return to Stock
- 60. Covert Return Order to Voucher, Use Voucher payment next Orders
- 61. Covert Return Order to Credit, Use Credit payment next Orders
- 62. Cross selling
- 63. Validation delete/edit/close session/remove order/add new order … buy Admin, admin can set flexible on pos setting
- 64. Take away orders, allow cashiers save orders, and loads orders save before
- Invoices screen management: help you can management invoices, register payment, add credit note….
- 65. Reprint any Orders (last orders or orders of last days)
- 66. Show invoice number, tin, customer information on receipt
- 67. POS orders management, refill products, view purchased histories …
- 68. Covert return order to credit points (1 point = 1 unit money)
- 69. Backend office create order and assigned to Shop
- 70. Allow settingL Display product sale price included taxes or not
- 71. Customer screen without posbox
- 72. Setting auto default customer
- 73. Products sort by sequence, price, stock ….
- 74. Allow pos manager remote to pos session and can action close session, start session …
- 75. Supported large Orders save backend realtime (300~500 Orders each second). (Expert Ultimate package required from
- 76. At payment screen, each payment line, allow cashier input payment reference, this input will save on payment of sessions
- 77. Service Charge each Order
- 78. Multi Lot/Serial Number for each Order Line
- 79. Turbo Starting POS Session only few second
- 80. POS Order Cart Display Margin % (Profit/Loss) and save Margin Amount and % to POS Orders Backend
- 81. Allow setting each quantity of product customer buy, can define difference sale price
- 82. Scan barcode of products with fields: ref, supplier code, and multi barcode
- 83. Each product allow set min sale price, and not allow cashiers sale product with price smaller than it
- 84. Allow setting if product out of stock, not allow cashier add products to Cart
- 85. Support Product Bundle/Pack and Combo, stock redeem all items of Bundle/Pack Combo
- 86. Logout flexible actions: only logout pos, logout and close current session, logout and close session and logout lga …
- 87. Cash control management: allow pos user input in/out cash, show information of current session like total cash in/out, balance amount … and can close session direct pos screen
- 88. Multi sellers on one order, allow setting each order line in cart each seller, report anylytic backend included seller too
- 89. Create invoice offline mode, improve waiting times create invoice. Order quickly submitting backend and no times waiting invoice process
- 90. Allow modifiers taxes each order line in cart
- 91. Dynamic Stock Operation Type, allow Cashier change Stock Operation Type each Order
- 92. Full keyboard supports
- 93. Allow setting backup/restore orders
- 94. Allow setting required POS online before print bill
- 95. Flexible setting logo of receipt, each pos setting is one logo
- 96. Bill of Material Modifiers, link to Manufacturing Order
- 97. Bundle/Pack Combo modifiers items easy
- … And more than features. Please go to our channel Youtube get daily update each day
This product is available worldwide shipping and handling rates may differ based on location.
The LGA-Pos-Box is a little hardware box based on a Raspberry-Pi that will handle all the peripherals’ drivers and setup in a very easy way:
- You connect the LGA-Pos-Box to your local network with the Lga platform configured.
- You plug your USB peripherals ( Receipt Printer – Barcode Scanner ) to the PosBox
- You launch Lga’s Point of Sale on any device – iPad, Android Tablet or PC -while connected to your local network.
- There are no step 4, it’s already working
The PosBox will serve as a gateway between the Lga web application and the different peripherals.
We have tested a lot of different hardware setup and we did not find a great solution:
- Industrial Point of Sale Hardware is big, noisy, ugly, expensive and plagued with lousy touch screens.
- laptops are cheap but flimsy and slow to operate.
- iPads and android tablets are nice and affordable but require expensive wireless peripherals.
Because the LGA-Pos-Box separates the peripherals from the touchscreen devices, you can use an iPad or android tablet with affordable usb peripherals. On just a receipt printer and barcode scanner setup, this saves you 30% of the cost, even including the PosBox. This is not a compromise, you truly get better hardware for less.
Your Point of Sale on iPads or Android Tablets
The CashBox solution relies on Lga modules to support extra devices and features. As it’s very easy to add new features or devices. One could easily add support for other materials, secondary displays, payment systems, etc. We plan to write an extensive documentation on how to extend the LGA-Pos-Box for your specific needs.
The Pos box has the following peripherals to interface with external devices; 2 usb ports, hdmi, audio, rca video, sd card, wireless.
Lga Integrators & developers will find it easy to add support for custom hardware on the PosBox as the drivers are simply Lga python modules running on a minimalist Lga setup